
Local Public Development through Innovation and Connecting Stakeholders

The general objective of the project is to increase the Association’s capacity to develop mechanisms for supporting and promoting development at the local level and for interaction with public administration authorities and institutions, through innovation and adaptability to the needs of the research-development-innovation ecosystem (CDI) .
Expected Results
Carrying out a documentation study (2 chapters) at the local level, which will provide an analysis of the actors’ capacity to support the CDI ecosystem and the good practices identified at the European level;
Conducting a CNFPA accredited training course on the “Innovation Manager” module for 10 persons, members of the beneficiary, trained and certified;
Attracting partners in the MSP community: 15 partners from research and 15 from the business environment in the Bucharest-Ilfov region, meaning 30 partnership agreements signed;
Drawing up an action plan (Blue paper), with the possibility of replication;
Organization of four Innovation bridge events for the exchange of best practices between regions and feedback on the Action Plan;
Running an information campaign on the project, expected to inform at least 80 members of the MSP community.
Project co-financed from the European Social Fund, through the Administrative Capacity Operational Program 2014-2020.
June 23, 2022 – August 22, 2023
It took place over a period of 14 months and has a total value of 423,180.84 lei, of which the value provided by the European Union is 331,773.79 lei, and the national funding is 82,943.43 lei.

Facebook Page
More details about all these activities can be found on the project’s Facebook page.
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Info: Project co-financed from the European Social Fund, through the Operational Program Administrative Capacity 2014-2020, 151440.