

The joint venture contract for Magurele Science Park has been signed, the science park that will be built on the Magurele research platform and that aims to become a vector for regional development, with impact at national level for economic competitivity.

The signatories of the contract are Ilfov County Council, Horia Hulubei National Institute for Physics and Nuclear Engineering (IFIN-HH) and Magurele Municipality. The event took place yesterday, the 19th of December 2018, at the ELI-NP headquarters in Magurele, with the participation of everyone involved in the project. The County Council was represented by the leadership of the institution, but also by the county councilors of Ilfov, representatives of IFIN-HH and Magurele Municipality, as well as representatives of the research institutes and universities with signed partnerships with Magurele Science Park Association took part at the event.

Marian Petrache, Ilfov County Council President: “We all understand that this is a long-term commitment that involves sustained teamwork. But I’m convinced that we want to do it, and that makes me look with confidence in the future. Let us hope we will rise to the height of the researchers from Magurele.”

Academician Nicolae Zamfir, IFIN-HH Director: “I am sure we will realize this scientific park, which will enter the history of scientific development in Romania. I thank the Magurele Local Council and the Ilfov County Council for the unconditional support given to the ELI-NP project in recent years. Being on time with project implementation is also due to our good relations. I am sure we will continue to work together in excellent conditions.”

Narcis Constantin, Magurele Mayor: “I believe this moment is a historic one for the community in Magurele, for the town, as well as for the Ilfov County, and, why not, for Romania.”

Irinel Scrioșteanu, president of Magurele Science Park Association: “Today, the birth certificate of Magurele Science Park has signed.”

The Magurele Science Park mission is to develop the innovative economy by supporting the marketing of research, development and spin-off results from universities and research institutes, and participating in creating relevant culture in this field, as well as capitalizing on the presence of the ELI-NP project in the adjacent area of Magurele Science Park.

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